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Breakfast table / Snídaňový stolek

This side table was made primarily for the occasion in which one has the comfort of having breakfast in bed. These special moments have been symbolised in the table’s fragile details. The knots in the wood
have been replaced with specially engraved glass pieces in varying colours.
The assembling of the wooden laths of the desk is further symbolic in their complicated joinery, elaborate due to the varying shapes of each piece. Pine tree wood and the final overall shape make the contrast between the involved purposes of its use and the simplicity of its shape.

22 x 38 x 63cm, pine tree wood,
engraved glass inlay

Photos Karolína Neméthová, Kristína Hrabětová, Salim Issa for Křehký.

  • Breakfast table / Snídaňový stolek
  • Breakfast table / Snídaňový stolek
  • Breakfast table / Snídaňový stolek
  • Breakfast table / Snídaňový stolek